2023 Figures
New Volunteers 2023
Volunteer Referrals to Oragnisations 2023
2023 Vacancies
Volunteer Hours 2023
What We Do
Kildare Volunteer Centre is a not-for-profit organisation. It is a Company Limited by Guarantee and a registered charity. It is one of 29 volunteer centres (VCs) in Ireland and serves the entire County of Kildare. It is affiliated to Volunteer Ireland (VI) and a member of regional and national networks of Volunteer Centres. We are a community development organisation at heart. We support these organisations and people who wish to volunteer to create a more inclusive and connected society through volunteering
Community and voluntary sector organisations rely hugely on the work of volunteers from board members to front line positions and everything in between. Charity shops, disability services, community cafés and inclusive clubs across Co. Kildare make up this “third sector” that contributes to a better quality of life for people. This sector provides essential supports and services to marginalised communities and people at risk of poverty and social exclusion.

Kildare Volunteer Centre
Our core activities and purpose are to promote, connect and support volunteers and the organisations who need them. The organisations we work with are not for profit organisations, clubs and groups who provide essential services and activities around the county. Our volunteers are a varied cohort of people across all ages and backgrounds, each with their own qualities and motivation for giving their time and skills to others in the community without financial gain.
Promote: We promote Volunteering. We work to create awareness of the benefits of volunteering and the opportunities available. We advocate for improved policy and best practice in volunteering and promote recognition of the contribution volunteers and volunteer involving organisations to society. We are a voice for good practice, improved policy and public recognition of voluntary work.
Connect: Kildare Volunteer Centre acts as a matching service, advertising, recruiting, and placing volunteers with suitable placements. We act as the link between the volunteer and the Organisation. We use a national online platform called I-VOL to advertise volunteering opportunities and recruit volunteers.
Support: We support volunteers to get the most from the experience. We support Organisations to develop volunteer opportunities and manage the process. Our development work includes managing a team of community volunteers who support emergency responses in the county in times of crisis, and engagement of new communities in events and volunteer activity to support community integration. We also provide volunteer management training and advice, garda vetting and networking opportunities